Alice fez uma live linda dia 16 de abril, para o Canal Brasil, ela fala sobre:
- Estar na quarentena em Nova Orleans (onde ela estava filmando Queen Of The South), e que está fazendo muito bolo rsrs.
- Que ela, que já fez tanto filme sci-fi/apocalíptico, se sentiu praticamente em um filme comprando comida e água para estocar.
- Foi muito legal trabalhar com James Gunn na DC (Esquadrão Suicida 2), mas ela não pode revelar nada sobre o filme/personagem.
- Pessoas no mundo todo falam com ela sobre Teresita (QOTS) por causa da Netflix.
- Eduardo e Mônica deve ser adiado talvez para outubro, ela assistiu o filme e chorou muito... e ela ficou em dúvida se não tava 'velha' pra ser a Mônica, mas que ela ficou muito feliz em ter feito.
- Fala sobre a experiência em Cidade de Deus e Cidade Baixa.
- Ela conta que talvez faça parte da narração de um desenho do Sérgio Machado chamado 'A arca de Noé'.
- Fala da preparação física para QOTS e discute o estereótipo latino na indústria, destacando que as portas estão sendo abertas. E também sobre a presença da mulher na indústria audiovisual.
- Finaliza dizendo que quando sair da quarentena vai voltar pro set e abraçar o pai e a mãe, e que a Bianca tá lá na quarentena com ela.
Fonte: BestofBraga
For English viewers (I hope make sense the translation) she talked about
- Being quarantined in New Orleans (where she was filming Queen Of The South), and she is making a lot of cake. LOL
- She has already made so much sci-fi / apocalyptic film, felt like she was practically in a movie buying food and water to store.
- It was really cool to work with James Gunn at DC [Suicide Squad 2], but she can't reveal anything about the film and her character.
- People all over the world talk to her about Teresa (QOTS) on social media because of Netflix.
- Eduardo e Mônica (brazilian movie) should be postponed maybe to October, she watched the movie and cried a lot ... and she was in doubt if she was not 'old' to be Monica, but that she was very happy to have done this project.
- Talks about the experience in Cidade de Deus and Cidade Baixa.
- She says that she maybe make a movie by Sérgio Machado called 'The Ark of Noah'.
- She talks about physical preparation for QOTS and discusses the latin stereotype in the industry, highlighting that the doors are being opened. And also about the presence of women in the audiovisual industry.
-Ends saying that when leaves the quarantine she will go back to the set and hug her father and her mother (who are here in Brasil), and Bianca (her girlfriend) is in quarantine with her.
For English viewers (I hope make sense the translation) she talked about
- Being quarantined in New Orleans (where she was filming Queen Of The South), and she is making a lot of cake. LOL
- She has already made so much sci-fi / apocalyptic film, felt like she was practically in a movie buying food and water to store.
- It was really cool to work with James Gunn at DC [Suicide Squad 2], but she can't reveal anything about the film and her character.
- People all over the world talk to her about Teresa (QOTS) on social media because of Netflix.
- Eduardo e Mônica (brazilian movie) should be postponed maybe to October, she watched the movie and cried a lot ... and she was in doubt if she was not 'old' to be Monica, but that she was very happy to have done this project.
- Talks about the experience in Cidade de Deus and Cidade Baixa.
- She says that she maybe make a movie by Sérgio Machado called 'The Ark of Noah'.
- She talks about physical preparation for QOTS and discusses the latin stereotype in the industry, highlighting that the doors are being opened. And also about the presence of women in the audiovisual industry.
-Ends saying that when leaves the quarantine she will go back to the set and hug her father and her mother (who are here in Brasil), and Bianca (her girlfriend) is in quarantine with her.
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